Agrihouse Foundation is set to host the 4th edition of its highly anticipated Ghana Poultry Day and Ghana Chicken Festival on July 1, 2024, at the forecourt of the State House in Accra.

The festival aims to promote Ghana’s rich poultry heritage and showcase the culinary talents of influential personalities through an exciting cooking competition. This year’s event will feature a range of fun and educational activities, attracting renowned politicians, footballers, musicians, media personalities, CEOs, and students.

Speaking on the theme “Celebrating Diversity in Poultry: Roast, Taste, and Nourish the Nation,” Agrihouse Foundation’s founder and executive director, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, emphasized the importance of raising awareness about healthy local chicken and egg consumption.

She highlighted the festival’s key objective to promote the nutritional and medicinal values of Ghanaian poultry, reduce importation, and encourage young people to explore opportunities in the poultry sector.

Reflecting on her own experiences, Ms. Akosa noted, “We need to reflect on our past traditions of raising chickens and maintaining household gardens to foster self-sufficiency. We can never do away with tradition, but we can only complement it.”

She pointed out that while the focus has often been on crop farming, it is crucial to create a balance between crop and livestock sectors, using poultry as a key pathway to promote the sector.

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa believes that celebrating the poultry sector and encouraging daily chicken consumption will increase investment and career opportunities in agribusiness.

Madam Comfort Acheampong, Coordinator of Ghana National Egg Campaign Secretariat also stressed the importance of celebrating Poultry and Eggs Day in Ghana. Despite the challenges faced by the sector, she called for advocacy and promotion to strengthen Ghana’s poultry industry.

She noted that when July 1st is officially recognized as Ghana Pourtly Day and Egg Day in Ghana it will go a long to enhance the poultry sector in the country.

The public is invited to the forecourt of the State House on July 1st to enjoy free local chicken and eggs, celebrating Ghana’s poultry heritage.

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